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Dogs + Emergencies

  • Skunks spray volatile compounds from their anal sacs if they feel threatened by a potential predator such as a dog. If sprayed in the face your dog may need veterinary care, as corneal damage can occur if sprayed in the eyes, and vomiting, diarrhea, or anemia can result if sprayed in the mouth.

  • Smoke inhalation injuries are caused by a combination of heat and airborne toxins. Clinical signs of smoke inhalation vary, depending on the materials contained within the smoke and how much smoke the dog inhales. Common signs include coughing, shortness of breath, eye injuries, and burns. Neurologic signs can also occur, especially in cases of carbon monoxide inhalation. Treatment typically involves oxygen therapy and other supportive care measures.

  • The most common venomous snakes in North America include rattlesnakes, copperheads, cottonmouths, and coral snakes. The clinical signs associated with a venomous snakebite vary based on the species of snake. Generally, there is extensive swelling that often spreads rapidly. Venomous snakebites are medical emergencies requiring immediate attention. Copperhead, cottonmouth, and coral snake envenomization cases have a better prognosis for complete recovery than rattlesnake bites.

  • Strokes are rare in dogs. Some common causes include a blood clot such as a thrombus or embolus that lodges in a cerebral blood vessel, or cerebral bleeding from trauma or as a result of thrombocytopenia; however, the cause is often unknown. Signs of a stroke are variable depending on the region or regions of the brain affected, and the degree and duration of blood and oxygen deprivation. Magnetic resonance imaging is the ideal diagnostic test for diagnosing a stroke. Treatment is quite complex and there is no guarantee of complete success. Your veterinarian will help you assess progress and plan remedial action.

  • Struvite bladder stones are one of the more common bladder stones found in dogs. Struvite bladder stones usually form as a complication of a bladder infection caused by bacteria, and if the urine becomes exceptionally concentrated and acidic. The most common signs that a dog has bladder stones are blood in the urine (hematuria) and straining to urinate (dysuria). There are three primary treatment strategies for struvite bladder stones: 1) feeding a special diet to dissolve the stone(s), 2) non-surgical removal by urohydropropulsion (flushing out the stones) and 3) surgical removal. Dogs that have experienced struvite bladder stones will often be fed a therapeutic diet for life.

  • Summer is a great time to get outdoors and enjoy nature and the warm sunshine, especially with your pet. Pets are inquisitive and love to investigate their surroundings. Unfortunately, this trait can lead pets down the path of injury and illness. The following information will help you to avoid many summer dangers that can affect your pet.

  • Syncope (or fainting) is defined as a temporary loss of consciousness that occurs when the brain does not receive enough oxygen. Most dogs who experience syncope spontaneously recover once appropriate levels of oxygen reach the brain.

  • Normal body temperature for dogs and cats is 101 to 102.5°F (38.3 to 39.2°C). Pets with temperatures above 104°F (40.0°C) or falls below 99°F (37.2°C) need immediate veterinary care. Temperature can be taken rectally or aurally. If taking your pet’s temperature is too difficult, take your pet to your veterinarian. If your pet’s temperature remains high or low, take him to your veterinarian.

  • If a dog ingests a potentially poisonous amount of CBD or THC, treatment may involve induction of vomiting followed by administration of activated charcoal, if the pet is not showing signs. Pets with moderate gastrointestinal signs of CBD poisoning are treated with anti-nausea and anti-diarrheal medications; hospitalization is not usually required.

  • Toad poisoning occurs when a dog is exposed to the toxins secreted by certain species of toads. The two most common species of toads that cause poisoning in the United States are the cane or marine toad and the Colorado River or Sonoran desert toad. While there are toads in Canada that secrete toxic substances, their effects are much less severe than the toxins secreted by the cane or Sonoran desert toads. Death can occur quickly and immediate treatment is required.