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Dogs + Behavior & Training

  • The Harrier is a typical scent hound: born with a love of the hunt and the desire to follow his nose wherever it leads. But he's more than that when he's given the chance. He's a mild-mannered sort, tolerant and good with children.

  • Who could resist that fuzzy face? The Havanese is a delightful companion for all ages. They have plenty of stamina to keep up with the most energetic child. Bichon-type dogs often perform in circuses and happily show off tricks for their families and other spectators.

  • Head halters can provide better control and safety for some dogs. A proper fit with gentle leash handling and positive reinforcement training is required to make a head halter successful. Some dogs may find the head halters aversive, which means it is not the right tool for them.

  • Although drugs may be useful in some cases, they should only be given under veterinary supervision. To be effective, they must be absorbed and active in the body BEFORE any noise starts or panic sets in. This is usually at least an hour prior to the event.

  • When a beloved family member dies, the surviving people and pets mourn the loss. Dogs and cats rely on their social group for safety and emotional well being. Surviving pets experience the loss of a favored companion and a disruption of the social dynamic. They may also be distressed when they sense changes in the emotions and behavior of household people.

  • House training is best accomplished with a consistent program that relies on supervision to prevent mistakes and positive reinforcement for elimination in designated locations. Though house training can be time-consuming, when done properly, the foundational training will last a lifetime.

  • Teaching your dog to relax in a crate is an effective way of ensuring its safety while protecting your home and possessions from damage caused by chewing or other destructive behaviors. Because dogs are social animals, an ideal location for the crate is a room where the family spends time such as a kitchen, den, or in a bedroom where the dog might sleep at night.

  • Pain can be difficult to detect in older dogs. It is important for dog owners to recognize subtle signs of pain in their dog, such as slowing down on walks, unwillingness to play, reluctance to sit or stand, limping or weight shifting, and sensitivity to touch on being picked up. If any of these behaviors are observed, your dog should be evaluated by your veterinarian and a pain management plan devised.

  • Training a dog to understand human communications is easier when we consider how our tone and volume influence our message. Verbal commands will be interpreted differently by your dog depending on how they hear it. Just remember, it’s not just what you say….it’s how you say it.

  • With the elegance of a deer, the Ibizan Hound can leap great heights from a standstill. Unlike most sight hounds, the Ibizan Hound usually barks when chasing. She is fast, sweet, and beautiful, yet few people have ever met one.