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Cats + Preventive Care & Wellness

  • Ringworm in Cats

    Tiña es el nombre común que se le dá a una infección fúngica en las capas más superficiales de la piel, pelo y uñas. En la gente infectada las lesiones presentan una lesión redonda, roja, delimitada por unos bordes elevados a causa de la inflamación.

  • Helping your pet lose weight may be challenging at first, but with a little patience and persistence, you can be successful. Research has shown that small amounts of weight loss help improve the quality of life for overweight pets: they feel better, move easier, play more often, and live healthier lives. This handout focuses on commonly asked questions and tips for owners to help their overweight pet successfully achieve some weight loss.

  • Toxoplasma occurs worldwide. However, infection is uncommon in pet cats that do little or no hunting and primarily or exclusively eat commercial cat foods. Despite the high number of cats infected with T. gondii, very few show significant clinical signs. Humans are most commonly infected by eating contaminated food. Most people infected with this organism do not develop clinical disease. However, infection during pregnancy may be transmitted to the fetus and sometimes cause severe damage. Many pet cats will never be exposed to Toxoplasma and, therefore, cannot pass the infection on to humans.

  • Toxoplasmosis

    La toxoplasmosis es una enfermedad causada por la infección de un microorganismo llamado Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii). Es un microorganismo unicelular protozoo relacionado con los coccidios.

  • Transdermal means the application of a medicine or drug through the skin, where it is absorbed into the bloodstream. Relatively few drugs are currently available for transdermal application. The biggest risk with a transdermal medication is that it could be insufficiently absorbed, resulting in inadequate drug levels and treatment. The inside of the outer ear flap (not inside the ear canal) is an excellent area to apply transdermal medications. After you have administered the medication, try to distract your pet from scratching or rubbing the ear for a few minutes by feeding your pet, taking your pet for a walk, or playing together immediately afterward. If your pet is prescribed a transdermal medication patch, your veterinarian will often shave an area to affix the patch.

  • This handout summarizes the various forms of treatment for cats with asthma and includes a list of treatment instructions for home care. Treatment options include corticosteroids, bronchodilators, and inhaler use. Warning signs for cat owners to watch out for are included.

  • TTouch is a form of touch therapy devised and popularized in 1978 by Linda Tellington Jones, an equestrian with a long-standing interest in massage, training, and physical therapy techniques. TTouch is a simple, light massage technique in which the practitioner uses a clockwise circular motion of the fingers on the skin of the patient.

  • Controlled substances are medications or illicit drugs that affect the central nervous system and have the potential for abuse or dependence, both in humans and in animals. These drugs are often needed to manage pain and other conditions in pets and are relatively safe when used appropriately and under the guidance of a veterinarian. Be sure you understand the risks and responsibilities associated with controlled substance use.

  • Emergencies in Cats

    Las urgencias médicas se producen de forma repentina y sin avisar. Es importante que todos los propietarios de gatos tengan unas nociones básicas sobre las urgencias veterinarias más comunes y sobre primeros auxilios. Para más detalles sobre como realizar RESPIRACIONES DE RESCATE y RCP en gatos, consulte nuestra página Primeros Auxilios en Gatos.

  • There are five primary reasons for vaccination failure. Vaccine inactivation is one reason and is most commonly caused by warming during shipping and handling. In addition, vaccines are not always 100% effective. Cats may also be unhealthy or too young, leading to vaccine failure. Interference by maternal antibodies can lead to the vaccine being blocked. Lastly, cats receiving overwhelming exposure to a virus may have a failure in the effectiveness of the vaccine.