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Cats + Behavior & Training

  • Most owner complaints about feline vocalization are either to do with the intensity and persistence of the vocalization, or the fact that it occurs at night or at other times when family members or neighbors are trying to sleep.

  • Redirected aggression occurs when a cat is aroused by another animal, person or event, but is unable to direct aggression toward the stimulus. For example, your cat is sitting on a windowsill and sees another cat out on the property.

  • The leading causes of aggressive behavior among household cats are territorial aggression, fear-based aggression, and incompatible personalities. There may be more than one type of aggression occurring simultaneously. This explains the common forms of inter-cat aggression and how they may be prevented.

  • Fearful behavior in cats may develop for many reasons. Hereditary and environmental factors contribute to behavioral development. Early socialization of kittens is very important for normal development. Cats and kittens that display fearful behavior should be treated as soon as possible for the most successful outcome.

  • House soiling or feline inappropriate elimination is not uncommon. Urine and/or stool may be deposited outside of the litter box. The motivation for the behavior may be a need to eliminate (toileting) or a desire to communicate (marking). Medical conditions may predispose cats to exhibit house soiling and a veterinary examination is always needed.

  • Urine marking is a form of communication for cats and can be used to establish territory and communicate social and sexual status. House cats may mark when there is social conflict in the home, or when they experience anxiety or frustration. Medical conditions, particularly those associated with pain, can trigger marking. It is important to learn the motivation for marking in order to find an effective treatment plan.

  • Some cats that appear to be perfectly comfortable resting in a lap can suddenly turn around, bite, and run away. There are ways to reduce the likelihood that your cat will bite you. Treatment will depend on the specific reason for the behavior.

  • The birth of a baby or the adoption of a new child is associated with a great deal of anxiety, excitement, and stress for not only the family, but also the family pet. Some dogs and cats can have a difficult time adjusting to these changes, especially if this is your first child, but preparation and planning will help.

  • Behavior Counseling: Diagnosing a Behavior Problem - Is It Medical or Behavioral?

    Los problemas de comportamiento pueden deberse a causas médicas, psicológicas o a una combinación de ambas. Una historia clínica minuciosa, un examen físico completo y una serie de pruebas diagnósticas apropiadas determinarán si hay alguna enfermedad que influya en el problema.

  • Cats were once considered solitary creatures. We now know that they are, in fact, social animals who benefit from interaction with their own and other species. However, not all cats are social with other cats. The personality of each cat must factor into the decision to introduce a new cat to your home.